The “Secret Lovers” Monthly Gathering

Professionally facilitated Transformational Workshop / Support Group

Are you embarking on a big change in your life?
Are you ready to live like you’ve never lived before?
Do you want to be supported by a group of like minded individuals?

Drop in on the 4th Tuesday of the month!

Deep transformational Sharing.
Professional Coaching and Support.
Prayer and meditation.

Fee: $20 at the door
Date: The fourth Tuesday of each month
Time: 7-9:00pm

This is a monthly drop in group that takes place in West Los Angeles (90035).  Email for exact address.

Your facilitators are: Agape Practitioners Gerrick Angel, ALSP and Randee Vasilakos, ALSP.  Randee has a successful private practice where she utilizes over 20 years of experience in counseling and meditation.  She co-facilitates transformational classes at Agape’s University of Transformational Studies and Leadership.  Gerrick is an Agape Ministry Director with a successful private practice where he skillfully integrates spirituality with the “Real World.” He is active with Agape’s Youth and Family Ministry and has co-facilitated transformational classes at Agape’s University of Transformational Studies and Leadership.

Email:  for more information.

To Prepay for any of Gerrick's Services, Click "Buy Now" and enter the number of dollars you would like to send through Pay Pal.